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Message Boards: Final Fantasy VI - Opening Theme

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Nacho's Photo
Posted on 12/3/2010 at 9:03 PM

My bro, a friend and I are putting together a rock cover of Opening Theme from Final Fantasy VI. I've written it out and exported it in MP3 format with MIDI guitar, bass and drum sounds. Click here for the file. Anyway, we're still going to figure out all the compostion part of it, but we're close. What we need is help with drums! Spoony_Bard, I've always been impressed with how you've programmed the drums, do you think you can help us out with that?

Also we're going to need someone to add just little electronic sounds and things to enhance the song. Can anyone out there help us out with that as well?

Look forward to working with you guys!

Spoony_Bard Photo
Posted on 12/4/2010 at 5:51 AM

Consider it done!

Spoony_Bard Photo
Posted on 12/4/2010 at 8:02 AM

A few questions: when writing the drums on top of that MP3 I've got the tempo at 139.951 - do you want it at a hard 140?

Would you like a totally clean file (no compression, reverb, etc)? and what format (wav. , Mp3)?

Here's what I've got so far (mixed together, MP3 panned hard right).

Here's the drum track by itself. (both files are at 139.951 bpm)

Have a listen and let me know if anything needs changing.

Nacho Photo
Posted on 12/4/2010 at 11:17 AM

Wow, that was fast, thanks so much man!

You don't need to do it at a hard 140, I find that even if it off just slightly it gives it a more real feel to it.

So check it out, here is the file with no drums. I suck at programming drums and while I know some good professional drummers, recording drums SUCK! I really like what you did, but I give you full range on the drums. If you want to add a different beat cause it sounds cool, feel free to do it. By all means, don't feel restricted to what I already programmed, those were just basic sounds to keep a beat!

I think what I'd like to do is I'll record the tracks, then I'll send you the mixed tracks as one, and you can mix the drums into the song. If you send back the drums mixed with compression, reverb, etc. as a WAV format, I'll add it to my mix, master it and then we're done!

I really appreciate your help, I've always wanted to work on FFVI songs, but I've never had many people to work with. Thanks again!

Spoony_Bard Photo
Posted on 12/4/2010 at 2:53 PM

Ok, that sounds cool. I'll start adding the Spoony touch!

I know what you mean about recording live drums; you have to have some serious gear to make them sound decent. Just another reason why I love EZ Drummer so much.

No prob's at all mate, I relish the chance to work with other artists on VG music!

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