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Message Boards: Final Fantasy XIII

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Nacho's Photo
Posted on 10/14/2010 at 5:48 PM

When this game first came out I was so excited! But I still find myself giving up on playing it after playing it for a little while. The storyline feels so linear to the point where I get bored, am I the only one who feels this way?

Bregalad Photo
Posted on 10/18/2010 at 12:43 PM

I decided to stop playing the series this summer, as I was on a FF12 playthrough and found the game to be really too boring and disgracing to what the series previously was. I know many people disagree with me, but I know many agrees with me too. FF died when Square's director left and when Square merged with Enix.

However now I play Dragon Quest IX and I find it very cool - probably better than what any new FF game is anyway.

Nacho Photo
Posted on 10/18/2010 at 1:44 PM
Bregalad wrote:

I decided to stop playing the series this summer, as I was on a FF12 playthrough and found the game to be really too boring and disgracing to what the series previously was. I know many people disagree with me, but I know many agrees with me too. FF died when Square's director left and when Square merged with Enix.
However now I play Dragon Quest IX and I find it very cool - probably better than what any new FF game is anyway.

While I don't think it's a disgrace I'll agree that it's just not the same anymore. FFXII was hard to play too and I'm still having a hard time getting through it all the way. Maybe if I get rich and have lots of time to waste I'll tackle them both! Laughing

Vault92 Photo
Posted on 10/23/2010 at 10:21 AM

I was pretty excited for 13, as was my wife, but I sold it after playing it for about a week.

I loved the story, but the actually gameplay was pushing me away.I found it very dull, and very sparce. It was something like: Boss battle, walk 20 steps, cutscene, walk 20 steps, cutscene, another cutscene, battle, cutscene, rinse and repeat.

I agree that Square went downhill after the merge. I can't say I've liked but maybe one or two of SE's games, whereas SS I loved almost everything they put out.

On a side note, I love all the Mistwalker games. Old school RPG's are sadly dying in popularity, and their first few games were a great throwback.

Bregalad Photo
Posted on 10/25/2010 at 12:32 PM

What is that mistwalker game ?

Spoony_Bard Photo
Posted on 11/15/2010 at 4:41 PM
Bregalad wrote:

I decided to stop playing the series this summer, as I was on a FF12 playthrough and found the game to be really too boring and disgracing to what the series previously was. I know many people disagree with me, but I know many agrees with me too. FF died when Square's director left and when Square merged with Enix.
However now I play Dragon Quest IX and I find it very cool - probably better than what any new FF game is anyway.

 I agree about XII. While there was a lot about that game I did enjoy greatly, it didn't feel much like a Final Fantasy game at all. Never played XIII (alas, I have no PS3) but I watched a friend play a good portion of it and I wasn't too impressed; incredible graphics, yes, but the essence of FF seems to have been lost.

IMO FFX was the pinnacle of the series; it's all been downhill from there.

Nacho Photo
Posted on 11/15/2010 at 5:45 PM
Spoony_Bard wrote: 
IMO FFX was the pinnacle of the series; it's all been downhill from there.

I agree. Final Fantasy X was such an incredible game. They have fully failed to match that quality since then.

Bregalad Photo
Posted on 11/16/2010 at 9:36 AM

Just to say that what you said is SO TRUE !!

Well maybe the pinacle was FF7 or FF9 but I also loved FF10 too, its just that Tidus is by far not as cool as Clad, Squall or Djidane. But far better than the whiny FF12 hero anyways.

CabbitSD Photo
Posted on 12/8/2010 at 11:35 AM

Nacho, Don't despair: the story becomes VERY Non linear towards the end... if you continue playing you may actually MISS how linear the storyline is.

Agreed, the storyline is not the best FF story there is... but it's STILL OKAY, even if it stands out in the series as best graphics, worst story, weakest battle system.  (PARAGIGMS?!  SERIOUSLY?!!)

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