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Message Boards: Hi! Few questions :)

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Vault92's Photo
Posted on 10/22/2010 at 9:20 PM

Just wanted to say hello. I like the idea behind this site, and how it offers a bit more than OCremix.

I have a question or two though. Such as, who judges the music? Is it just one person, or multiple? And what's the criteria on remixes?

I ask because the 2 times I've tried submitting to OCR both my mixes were denied before they even hit the judges panel. Something about "That's not a remix, that's an original song." I like to use the melodies from video game songs and work around them, so generally the only thing from the original song melody and maybe the bassline. OCR doesn't like that I suppose. I thought it still a remix, just a new perspective on it.

Anyways, really like how you allow sheet music. I've played the piano for 8 years (by ear) and just now started getting into reading sheet music.

Nacho Photo
Posted on 10/22/2010 at 11:52 PM

Welcome to the site Vault92!

Right now I'm the only one who is accepting songs, but honestly, the remix criteria is very laxed. If you haven't noticed, I put "Remix/Covers" because I feel like even if most of the original material is covered, as long as the user has put it's own little spin on it, it should be heard! So as long as people can tell what song the person is covering/remixing and it sounds good (doesn't have to be super duper technically sound), I'll accept it.

I saw you submitted a few remixes but I won't be able to get to those until tomorrow, but I'm sure they are going to just fine.

I'm glad you like the site, I really wanted it to be an ultimate resource for everything video game music, and we've had good support and participation thus far, I can't wait to see how much farther this site grows. Thank you again for participating and hopefully I'll see you guys on here again soon!

Vault92 Photo
Posted on 10/23/2010 at 10:02 AM

I think I submitted 4 mixes, and 1 today. The first one I sent (the dubstep) is our latest remix. The rest are at least a year old. I think the metroid one is 3 years old Tongue out.

I more or less just submitted the remixes we've done to see what the threshold was, so if some of them don't make it I'm not surprised.  I try to make each song sound completely different from the last, and I know that they aren't for everyone.

I've checked out the other remixes, and they sound really good. If they weren't accepted on OCR, that's kinda depressing. They've gotten REALLY strict on what makes it on anymore.

Bregalad Photo
Posted on 10/25/2010 at 12:30 PM

Well I don't know about their policy on OCR, but stuff on there is usually of pretty good quality.

If it is exactly like the original, just with other instruments, it might not be enough to be called a remix. On the other hand if you don't recognize the song at all so much it have changed, maybe it's not a remix anymore too.

The very notion of remix is highly subjective.

Nacho Photo
Posted on 10/25/2010 at 1:00 PM

Yeah, I know OCRemix can have high quality stuff, but sometimes based on the judges reviews it sounds like every song needs to be produced like it would be for the Rolling Stones. The general public can't tell whether or not a song is "over compressed" or "that the snare drum needs to have less high end EQ". Anyone who puts effort into something is not going to submit something that others shouldn't have a chance to listen to.

I also don't understand what "too repetitious" means. Almost every song that is written has some sort of repetition. Of course, if you are playing one line through out the whole song and that's it, then I can understand. But some of the best bands in the world have written great songs by going intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, end.

In any case, this site isn't certainly just about remixes as there are many other things we offer. I just hope those who aren't on "OCRemix" don't feel like they aren't talented musicians that can't have their music heard. And I hope they come over here to submit! Smile

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