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Message Boards: Elec Man Remix - Need Help!

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Nacho's Photo
Posted on 10/28/2010 at 3:39 PM

Hey guys,

It's been awhile since I'm written music so bear with me. I'm working on a remix of Elec Man from the original Mega Man. I feel like I'm off to a good start but I know there are many things that need to be worked on, such as transitions, production, overall composition, etc. I don't have an ending yet as I'm still struggling where to take this song. I figure if I can get the first half cleaned up it can take me in the right direction in the second half.

So, please give me your thoughts, opinions, help, etc. I'd love to be able to finish this, but when you haven't written music for 5+ years, rust sets in and you need help! Laughing

File: Elec Man Remix

Bregalad Photo
Posted on 10/30/2010 at 1:28 PM

Oh I guess the original started with some cool synth drums, it's a shame to remove them.

Other than this the remix is good I think. I'm not an expert in remix though. I just answer to the question to try and make this board live :/ :)

BonsteelAudio Photo
Posted on 11/9/2010 at 3:53 PM


I'm digging the remix. I'd like to hear more of a contrast between the opening chords in the strings and when the melody first occurs.

I like the high synth that sort of floats over the track. It's got a lot of potential, and I'd like to hear more of it coming out of the piece.

When the melody changes tone, the second part of the melody, you take a different direction in the piece, and as such it'd be nice to hear the instruments change there too. Possibly a different underlying bass or beat would help emphasize the difference here.

The reiteration of the first part of the melody sounds fine, though you might want to add something extra to set it apart from the first.

The second part of the melody follows, and feel free to get a bit more creative here, since it's the closing of the piece.

It's got a good vibe to it, just introduce variety when repeating musical lines and try to keep it sonically interesting in that regard.

Also, I'm not sure if anyone's ever pointed this out, but Elec Man sounds stunningly similar to "Faithfully" by Journey.


Nacho Photo
Posted on 11/11/2010 at 1:45 PM

Thanks for the input Bonsteel, I'm not sure when I'll be able to work on it again with my busy schedule but the input was great to hear.

And wow, talk about a similarity to the Journey song! While it's slightly different, I guarantee that it's a rip off of that song in some way, but hey, it was for Mega Man, so I'm sure they were ok with it! :)

CabbitSD Photo
Posted on 12/7/2010 at 11:55 PM

This midi track sounds pretty good... I love the light, airiness of your arrangement...  I REALLY like the arpeggios that cover the high end.  It's almost reminding me of a flight scene minigame (like the ones in Sonic Unleashed)

This sounds to my ears like you're writing in the key of C; Why don't you bring your synth down in volume a touch, Leave the drums and bass up... and cut into a sort of top gun midi guitar (LOTS of nice slow pitch bend that switches over to really legato) solo in a key change that goes up to an Eb, then bring it back down to C again?

HUMBLE SUGGESTION: You have a lot of the high end covered, but to my ears you need some help in the midrange.)

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