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Music Content: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Image Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a stealth action video game developed by Kojima Productions for the PlayStation 3 console. The game was directed by Hideo Kojima and made its worldwide release on June 12, 2008, ten years after the release of Metal Gear Solid and twenty years after the North American release of Metal Gear.

Guns of the Patriots received widespread critical acclaim, garnering perfect reviews and Game of the Year awards from several major gaming publications, including GameSpot, which claimed that the game is "technically flawless". The game has been a financial driving force for Konami, helping the Metal Gear franchise reach 5 million units in the financial year of 2009.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is set in 2014, five years after the Big Shell incident and nine years after Shadow Moses incident. The world economy relies on continuous war, fought by PMCs, which outnumber government military forces. PMC soldiers are outfitted with nanomachines to enhance their abilities and control the stress on the battlefield. The control network created through these nanomachines is called Sons of the Patriots (SOP), and Liquid Ocelot is preparing to hijack the system. Snake accepts a request from Roy Campbell to terminate Liquid, with Otacon and Sunny providing mission support from the Nomad aircraft. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Nobuko Toda
Shuichi Kobori
Kazuma Jinnouchi
Harry Gregson-Williams

PlayStation 3

June 12, 2008 (Worldwide)



1. Old Snake [1 item(s)]
2. Love Theme
3. Gekko
4. Haven Troopers
5. BB Corps
6. Drebin 893
7. Vista Mansion
8. Laughing Octopus
9. Breakthrough
10. Endless Pain
11. White Blood
12. Call Me Hal
13. Midnight Shadow
14. Paradise Lost
15. Great Escape
16. Desperate Chase
17. Raging Raven
18. Confrontation
19. Mobs Alive
20. Violent Ceasefire
21. Next-Gen Control
22. Crying Wolf
23. One More Reboot
24. Sin
25. Atonement
26. Infinite Loop
27. Everything Ends
28. At Dawn
29. Screaming Mantis
30. Guns of the Patriots
31. No Place to Hide
32. Sorrow
33. Full Circle
34. Everything Begins
35. Father & Son
36. Metal Gear Saga
37. Here's to You
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