The story opens with the 'Toads visiting the Gyachung-La fortress in northern Tibet, where the Psicone Corporation is demoing their new virtual reality game system, TRIPS. Suddenly, a pig lackey working for the evil Dark Queen and her partner Silas Volkmire, leaps out of the system and kidnaps Michiko Tashoku (daughter of Psicone Corporation's CEO, Yuriko Tashoku) and Zitz. Now the remaining Battletoads must make chase into the Gamescape, rescue the two captives, and stop Volkmire and the Dark Queen from fulfilling their plans to control the world.
In this game of up to two players, you control Pimple or Rash. Both Battletoads have combos and moves to help them defeat their enemies. The artistic style is decidedly cartoony, with exaggerated weapons protruding from the 'Toads' limbs to deliver the coup de grâce. Like the original version of Battletoads, this game is also known for its extreme difficulty. (Source: Wikipedia)
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