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Music Content: Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy IV Image

MIDI Files

From the video game soundtrack: Final Fantasy IV

COMPOSER(S): Nobuo Uematsu
SYSTEM: Super Nintendo
RELEASE DATE: July 19, 1991 (Japan)
November 23, 1991 (North America)
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Submitted By MIDI File Song Date
BregaladThe Lunarians - MIDI FileThe Lunarians2/6/2011
BregaladMt. Ordeals - MIDI FileMt. Ordeals1/23/2011
BonsteelAudioWithin the Giant - MIDI FileWithin the Giant10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioWelcome to Our Town! - MIDI FileWelcome to Our Town!10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioTroian Beauty - MIDI FileTroian Beauty10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioTower of Zot - MIDI FileTower of Zot10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioTower of Bab-il - MIDI FileTower of Bab-il10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioTheme of Love - MIDI FileTheme of Love10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioThe Prelude - MIDI FileThe Prelude10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioThe Lunarians - MIDI FileThe Lunarians10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioThe Final Battle - MIDI FileThe Final Battle10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioThe Big Whale - MIDI FileThe Big Whale10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioSuspicion - MIDI FileSuspicion10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioSomewhere in the World... - MIDI FileSomewhere in the World...10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioSamba de Chocobo! - MIDI FileSamba de Chocobo!10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioRydia - MIDI FileRydia10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioRun! - MIDI FileRun!10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioRing of Bomb - MIDI FileRing of Bomb10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioRed Wings - MIDI FileRed Wings10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioPrologue... - MIDI FilePrologue...10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioPalom & Porom - MIDI FilePalom & Porom10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioMystic Mysidia - MIDI FileMystic Mysidia10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioMt. Ordeals - MIDI FileMt. Ordeals10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioMelody of Lute - MIDI FileMelody of Lute10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioMain Theme of Final Fantasy IV - MIDI FileMain Theme of Final Fantasy IV10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioLong Way to Go - MIDI FileLong Way to Go10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioLand of Dwarves - MIDI FileLand of Dwarves10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioKingdom Baron - MIDI FileKingdom Baron10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioHello! Big Chocobo! - MIDI FileHello! Big Chocobo!10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioInto the Darkness - MIDI FileInto the Darkness10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioIllusionary World - MIDI FileIllusionary World10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioHey, Cid! - MIDI FileHey, Cid!10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioGolbez Clad in the Dark - MIDI FileGolbez Clad in the Dark10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioGiott, the Great King - MIDI FileGiott, the Great King10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioFight 2 - MIDI FileFight 210/18/2010
BonsteelAudioFight 1 - MIDI FileFight 110/18/2010
BonsteelAudioFanfare - MIDI FileFanfare10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioFabul - MIDI FileFabul10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioEpilogue - MIDI FileEpilogue10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioDancing Calcobrena - MIDI FileDancing Calcobrena10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioChocobo Chocobo - MIDI FileChocobo Chocobo10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioCastle Damcyan - MIDI FileCastle Damcyan10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioAnother Moon - MIDI FileAnother Moon10/18/2010
BonsteelAudioThe Airship - MIDI FileThe Airship10/18/2010
BregaladRed Wings - MIDI FileRed Wings10/18/2010
BregaladTheme of Love - MIDI FileTheme of Love10/18/2010
BregaladHello! Big Chocobo! - MIDI FileHello! Big Chocobo!10/18/2010
BregaladHey, Cid! - MIDI FileHey, Cid!10/18/2010
BregaladKingdom Baron - MIDI FileKingdom Baron10/18/2010

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