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Message Boards: VGM on the Radio

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SpudDastardly's Photo
Posted on 2/8/2011 at 2:41 PM

Nacho suggested I post this to the message boards:

I received just recently an interesting email:

"I would like to ask if you could sign my petition.
My petition is for Video Game Soundtracks on Classic FM. (Classic FM is a 24 hour radio station run by the BBC and broadcast worldwide).
We have already had signitures from many composers from TV, FILM and GAME. I have already had a positive reaction from Simon Bates who thinks this is a ''fantastic idea''.
Classic FM already plays Film Scores, Disney music, Jazz and Coldplay.
I will personally present this petition to the necessary people when I have enough signatures. If you would like to hear music from Video Game soundtracks and concerts on Classic FM please sign this petition.
(or if you don't want to use your facebook use this one):

Thank You P.S it would really help if you could share this with your contacts.  :D "

It seems legitimate as far as I can tell (though I don't know how this person got my email), and although I don't really know much about this station in general, it seems a worthy petition to sign, as it has always been all of our dreams to hear VGM on the radio right? That and surely if one radio station starts playing VGM, then some more will follow. So go on and sign it if you want ^^




Nacho Photo
Posted on 2/8/2011 at 5:24 PM

I think this is a very cool petition. It would be really cool to have video game music on the air. It should be out there for more people to appreciate. Just take a minute to sign if you can!

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